
夢的邊緣 | On the edge of dreams

夢的邊緣 | On the edge of dreams
泡泡水、煙、機械結構 300 * 400* 300cm

在時間洪流中的我們,當下的思維與活動都逐漸成為記憶的片段。時間的推移,總是將我們推向一個再也無法回去的世界, 這些記憶將漸漸模糊不清,成為有如夢境一般,無法分辨真實。 工業時代進入數位時代,我們彼此訴說著data,符號充斥,虛與實當中我存在於哪 ; 記憶與夢境哪個是虛哪個是實,依循著記憶印證存在是實,又或是依循著夢境印證存在是虛 ; 誰能成為我的投射而形成辯證。

In the current of time, what we are thinking and doing are gradually becoming memories. As time goes by, we have been forced into a world and are never able to go back. These memories are getting vaguer and hazier like a dream. After the age of industrialization came the age of information came, we now talk about data. Life is full of signs and symbols, existence and emptiness, which make me wonder where I am. Which is real, our memories and dreams? Maybe, what exists in our memories is real, and what comes in our dreams is unreal. Which one of them can reflect my true self and speak for me?



恩…其實一開始不是從泡泡水這個媒材出發,原本我是想要用煙表現記憶這件事。 那時的想法是要把他抓住,會選擇泡泡是因為他的時間性。



