謝宛庭   薛如婷

點亮初心 | Stay True to Yourself

點亮初心 | Stay True to Yourself
謝宛庭   薛如婷
PLA、自製紅外線感測器模組 244 * 122 * 15 cm

『從我們出生以來,教育、社會、家庭給的威權從來就沒有停止,在這樣的成長環境下,我們對於外在所給予的聲音,會不自覺地趨於默默服從。 或許威權教育對於管理人群,是最有效率的做法,但是同時,從小受到如此管教的孩子們也漸漸的不說話了,在放棄思考的同時停止成長。 我們也曾經是這樣的孩子,而我們卻也剛好選了一個不得不表達自己的想法的地方,我們沉默已久,因為過去的經驗趨於服從,經歷重重困難之後,在這次的作品中,我們試著尋找自己對於創作的熱情。 利用自製的紅外線感測器模組,使觀者經過裝置前時,被遮擋住的LED燈亮起,形成直覺的互動關係,觀者同時也可以舞動身體來和裝置互動,進而成為作品的一部分。 有機隆起的造型代表內心的意象,藉由觀者的身體在黑暗空間裡驅使LED燈亮起的狀態,來隱射自我尋找的過程。

Since the moment we were born, we have never been able to escape from the control of the authorities in our families, at school and in the society. Growing up in such kind of environment, we follow the voices around us without being aware of it.   Establishing authority is the most efficient way to manage people; but when we use the same way to discipline our kids, they gradually stop speaking out, thinking and growing up.   We were raised in the same way. However, we chose a major of which students are expected to speak out. We have kept silent and obedient as we were told for so long. In our works, and we tried to bring back our passion for creation with our works.   With the handmade infrared sensor, the light that is block will be turned on when the people pass by the installation, creating an intuitive interaction; they can also be part of the work as they move their body to “paint” on the installation.   The organic-shaped lumps stand for people’s thoughts. The process when the audience plays with the installation symbolizes the quest of their true selves.






