Blank sequence

謝佑承 Hsieh,Yu-Cheng

螢光漆、照明裝置 Fluorescent paint, Fluorescent lamps | 尺寸依場地而定 On-site installation

在黑暗裡,等待訊號的大型投影畫面隱隱的亮著。突然間,燈光照亮了整個空間,原先發光的投影畫面被還原為一幅大型壁畫,上頭寫著:「Source:Computer (Auto). No Signal. To display Help, Press the ? button」。

在充滿各種發光影像的當代生活中,觀看影像時使我們的精神離開了身體,跟隨鏡頭進入影像世界遊歷。而「No signal」不僅是一部播映機器運行的初始畫面,也是連接影像訊號的唯一通道,面對這個畫面空檔的時候,我們通常會略過這個影像內容,因為它的意思是:「這裏還沒有東西」。在這個短暫的過渡時光中,身體既漫長又難耐的等待更顯得永無止盡,我突然從日常片刻的焦慮中感到懷疑,眼前永遠「缺席的訊號」,和總是期待它出現的「影像」,會不會只是一場騙局?


A large projection image glowed in faint in darkness, waiting for the signal. All of a sudden, the space was lit up, and the projection image reverted into the large mural, with words「Source:Computer (Auto). No Signal. To display Help, Press the ? button」on it. I focus on “how we experience the perception from things we know?” as my inspiration.

The modern world is saturated with all types of images. From the experience of seeing images, our spirits are driven out from our fleshes and dive into the worlds of images. “No signal” is not only the initial image of a projector starting to operate, but also the sole access for the signal that carries the “image” we used to define as. We simply ignore the image “No signal”, for it means “nothing happened yet”, and while facing this image, our bodies seem to roam around in the eternity of waiting, from which our spirits craving to escape.

Within the waiting which seems to last endlessly, I start to suspect that what if this waiting is a scam and we are trapped in the scene of “No signal”, and how about the image comes after this scene. What exactly is “image” that we usually define as?