Pure Communication

陳慶宜 Chen,Ching-Yi

攝影機、感測器 webcam、sensor | 65*25*5(cm)





Because of the progress of technology, contact between people has become easier. Our communication has come to transcend the barriers of time and space. Although technology is bringing us new convenience and progress, the emotional aspect of our lives has gradually regressed. We’ve forgotten the most important interaction, merely copying and pasting messages senselessly.

In our childhood, as we played on the swings, we not only competed to see who could swing higher, but also helped each other push to swing higher and farther. There were, parallely, competition and cooperation. Pure interaction, without words, can achieve pure communication.

The distance between the swing metaphor people, not only the distance but also emotional depth.

"Pure Communication " - is purely, "only" a "interactive work" / most purely human, "pure" in " communication ".